N a p k in s , d is p o s a b l e d i s he s , te x ti le s a n d s ta tione ry p r o duc t s
I nt ro du ce th e le g a cy o f W i l l i a m M o r r is i nt o y o u r h o me William Morris was an artist, craftsman, poet, scientist and revolutionary thinker. Today, he is best known for his wallpapers and textile designs, but his work significantly changed the way Victorian England perceived craft, design and fashion. Morris became one of the most influential figures in the Arts & Crafts movement. He started experimenting with different crafts and designing furniture and interiors. He was personally involved not only in the design but also in the manufacturing. This supported the feature of the movement, which was to defend individuality and know-how instead of industrial mass production. The William Morris Society is a cultural institution dedicated to preserving the works of William Morris and making his creative legacy available to future generations. 2
Sp ri ng - S u mme r 2 02 5 C lo v er Clover pattern is covered by clovers and delicate spring flowers. The cute napkin is available in pink and light blue colors. The pink color is also available in summery disposable dishes. Clover Clover pink napkin light blue napkin 24 x 24 cm | 12 x 20 pcs 24 x 24 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDDDDE! +!4;;@30”HDDDEL! 33 x 33 cm | 12 x 20 pcs 33 x 33 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDHDDM! +!4;;@30”HDHDEJ! Clover Clover pink Paper hot cup pink paper plate 250 ml | 16 x 10 pcs ø 23 cm | 10 x 10 pcs +!4;;@39”FGLDGF! +!4;;@31”EGEDHE! 3
P i mp e r n e l The timeless Pimpernel pattern was designed in 1876. The pattern is decorated with spectacular tulips, leaves wrapped around them and small pimpernel flowers. The Pimpernel is one of William Morris´s best known and most loved patterns. Pimpernel green napkin 24 x 24 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDDDHM! 33 x 33 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDHDHK! 4
Bird & A nem o n e Created in the 1880s, Bird & Anemone pattern is decorated with birds and beautiful anemones and their leaves. In the napkins, the pattern is available in stylish two-tone colors. Bird & Anemone Bird & Anemone light blue napkin green napkin 24 x 24 cm | 12 x 20 pcs 24 x 24 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDDEII! +!4;;@30”HDDEJF! 33 x 33 cm | 12 x 20 pcs 33 x 33 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDHEIG! +!4;;@30”HDHEJD! 5
G o ld e n L ily Golden Lily pattern is covered by lilies and other spring flowers. The imposing napkins breathe the atmosphere of the end of the 19th century. The pattern was designed by textile designer J. H. Dearle who worked for William Morris in 1899. Golden Lily green napkin 24 x 24 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDDDFI! 33 x 33 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDHDFG! 6
P in k & P o p p y Created in 1881, Pink & Poppy pattern is decorated with beautiful poppy flowers and leaves. In the napkin collection, Pink & Poppy will be available in beautiful beige color. Pink & Poppy beige napkin 24 x 24 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDDDKD! 33 x 33 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDHDKL! 7
Wi l l o w B o ug h Willow was one of William Morris´s favorite elements. Designed in 1887, the Willow Bough pattern is covered by willow branches and is a more naturalistic version of the original Willow pattern. 8 Willow Bough Willow Bough aqua napkin green napkin 24 x 24 cm | 12 x 20 pcs 24 x 24 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDDDMH! +!4;;@30”HDDDLK! 33 x 33 cm | 12 x 20 pcs 33 x 33 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDHDMF! +!4;;@30”HDHDLI!
Ma ri g o l d As the name suggests, marigolds bloom in Marigold design. The two-tone pattern was designed in 1875. Marigold Marigold yellow napkin light blue napkin 24 x 24 cm | 12 x 20 pcs 24 x 24 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDDEEK! +!4;;@30”HDDEFH! 33 x 33 cm | 12 x 20 pcs 33 x 33 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDHEEI! +!4;;@30”HDHEFF! 9
S t ra w berry Th i e f Perhaps William Morris´s most famous pattern is Strawberry Thief designed in 1883. Morris got his inspiration for the pattern from thrushes that he found stealing fruit in his kitchen garden in the Kelmscott Manor. 10 Strawberry Thief Strawberry Thief pastel napkin blue napkin 24 x 24 cm | 12 x 20 pcs 24 x 24 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDDEHL! +!4;;@30”HDDEGE! 33 x 33 cm | 12 x 20 pcs 33 x 33 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDHEHJ! +!4;;@30”HDHEGM!
Available Will i a m Mo rri s t e x ti le s in spring 2025 100 % cotton | 6 x 1 pcs Strawberry Thief Strawberry Thief blue Kitchen towel 50 x 70 cm blue Apron Strawberry Thief Strawberry Thief Strawberry Thief blue Oven glove blue Pot holder blue Cushion cover 45 x 45 cm Strawberry Thief Strawberry Thief blue Table runner 43 x 160 cm blue Table cloth 145 x 250 cm 11
Available in spring 2025 12 Marigold Marigold Marigold Marigold blue Kitchen towel 50 x 70 cm blue Apron blue Oven glove blue Pot holder Marigold Marigold Marigold blue Cushion cover 45 x 45 cm blue Table runner 43 x 160 cm blue Table cloth 145 x 250 cm Strawberry Thief Strawberry Thief Strawberry Thief Strawberry Thief pastel Kitchen towel 50 x 70 cm pastel Apron pastel Oven glove pastel Pot holder Strawberry Thief Strawberry Thief Strawberry Thief pastel Cushion cover 45 x 45 cm pastel Table runner 43 x 160 cm pastel Table cloth 145 x 250 cm
William Mo rri s st a ti o n e r y p r o d u cts Available in January 2025 Strawberry Thief Strawberry Thief Strawberry Thief blue Notebook A5 pastel Softcover notebook A5 pastel To Do list 10x1 pcs 10x1 pcs 10,5x19,5cm | 10x1 pcs +!4;;@38”GEDDDI! +!4;;@38”GEDDFM! +!4;;@38”GEDDHG! Pimpernel Pimpernel Pimpernel green Notebook A5 green Softcover notebook A5 green To Do list 10x1 pcs 10x1 pcs 10,5x19,5cm | 10x1 pcs +!4;;@38”GEDDEF! +!4;;@38”GEDDGJ! +!4;;@38”GEDDID! 13
Available in Autumn 2025 Pimpernel & Marigold Pimpernel Pimpernel Notebook A5 set green Metal pen in a gift box green Ballpoint pen & pouch a gift box Pimpernel green memo pad set Marigold blue To Do list 10,5x19,5cm | 10x1pcs Pimpernel green weekly planner 14
A ut umn- Wint e r 20 25 Gr a n v ille The stunning Granville pattern features acanthus leaves, one of the most popular decorative elements of the 18th and 19th centuries. It was designed by textile designer J. H. Dearle, who worked for William Morris, in 1896. Granville blue green napkin 24 x 24 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDDELJ! Granville new scented candle Granville new room diffuser 8 x 9 cm | 35 h 150 ml 12 x 1 pcs 12 x 1 pcs +!4;;@35”DDMKGI! +!4;;@35”DDMKHF! new 33 x 33 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDHELH! 15
S na k esh ea d William Morris designed the beautiful Snakeshead pattern in 1876. The William Morris by Havi napkin collection features the pattern in shades of green and platinum. Snakeshead green napkin 16 new Snakeshead platinum napkin 24 x 24 cm | 12 x 20 pcs 24 x 24 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDDFEJ! +!4;;@30”HDDFFG! 33 x 33 cm | 12 x 20 pcs 33 x 33 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDHFEH! +!4;;@30”HDHFFE! new
P impern e l The timeless Pimpernel pattern was designed in 1876. The pattern features striking tulips, intertwined leaves and small pimpernel flowers. Pimpernel is one of William Morris’ most famous and beloved patterns. In addition to napkins, the beautiful Pimpernel pattern will also decorate disposable cardboard tableware from autumn 2025. Pimpernel Pimpernel Pimpernel green napkin blue napkin 24 x 24 cm | 12 x 20 pcs 24 x 24 cm | 12 x 20 pcs 250 ml |16 x 10 pcs ø 23 cm | 10 x 10 pcs +!4;;@30”HDDDHM! +!4;;@30”HDDDIJ! +!4;;@39”FGLDJG! +!4;;@31”EGEDIL! 33 x 33 cm | 12 x 20 pcs 33 x 33 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDHDHK! +!4;;@30”HDHDIH! new Pimpernel green hotcup new green paper plate new 17
P in k & P o p p y Created in 1881, the Pink & Poppy pattern is covered with beautiful poppy flowers and leaves. The soft beige napkin is paired with a new fresh red and white napkin. Pink & Poppy red white napkin 24 x 24 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDDDJG! 33 x 33 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDHDJE! 18 new
Ma ri g o l d & S t ra w b e r r y T h i e f Marigold pattern features marigold flowers. The two-tone pattern was designed in 1875. Marigold arrives in a stunning red color for the Fall-Winter 2025 collection. Perhaps William Morris’ most famous pattern is Strawberry Thief, designed in 1883. In the autumn collection, this beloved pattern charms on a red napkin. Marigold red napkin new Strawberry Thief red napkin 24 x 24 cm | 12 x 20 pcs 24 x 24 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDDFDM! +!4;;@30”HDDEMG! 33 x 33 cm | 12 x 20 pcs 33 x 33 cm | 12 x 20 pcs +!4;;@30”HDHFDK! +!4;;@30”HDHEME! new 19
Ha vi Oy +358 10 843 4000 | sales@havi.fi | www.havi.fi Espoon Office Olarinluoma 7, 02200 Espoo, Finland