zero point plate zero point unit J U L Y ZERO POINT Il primo passo verso l'automazione 3 1 interface face O N grippers 2 0 2 5 automatic vises E X P I R A T I O N TESTE ANGOLARI CLASSIC LINE Albero con cono integrale 2025 offer Special PAD 14 / STAND C08 ENG

COMPACT, RIGID AND ACCURATE. IDEAL FOR 5 AXIS CENTRES COMPACT GRIP VISES Self centering vises with reversible jaws - Ideal for 5 axis machining centres Std Equipment: 1 box wrench Art.375, 1 workstop Art.370EM, 1 pair of self-centering key-nuts Art.297, 2 positioning key-nuts Art.650G T slot 16 mm, 1 Art.650F slide locking plate Art.650 VISES Magnetic Workstop Art. 370EM SINGLE / DOUBLE SELF-CENTERING W Type 1 Slide locking plate included with Art.650 Max 4mm 50 12kN Jaw Base Height Lenght B D Base Height C 65 45 79,9 65 38 89,9 89 57 124,9 Jaw Base E Kg 94 80 120 160 120 160 200 240 160 210 260 310 360 1,9 2,7 3,4 3,6 4,4 5,2 5,8 9,1 10,9 12,8 14,8 17 134 96 B C W 54 1 W Jaw width Type opening A 2 136 88 22kN 176 216 133 A D 183 3 E 123 32kN 233 283 Type 2&3 333 Cod. 7.65.01080 7.65.01120 7.65.01160 7.65.02120 7.65.02160 7.65.02200 7.65.02240 7.65.03160 7.65.03210 7.65.03260 7.65.03310 7.65.03360 LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 777 897 1.015 955 1.075 1.194 1.314 1.552 1.790 2.029 2.387 2.625 649 749 849 749 849 949 1.049 1.199 1.299 1.399 1.649 1.849 Art.651H Aluminum riser for CompactGrip vises REDUCTION UP TO 20% * Savings on Riser only if purchased with the vise PYRAMIDAL SUPPORT FOR 5TH AXIS CENTRES - INCLUDED MOUNTED & ALIGNED VISES Standard equipement: 12 Vise holding clamps Art.298 CGR, 1 Eyebolt, 1 Centering pin, Pair of keynuts Art.297 Art.643H MOUNTING & ALIGNEMENT INCLUDED KIT #1 Art. 643H + N°3 Art.650 T.1x120 Aluminum pyramidal support, it permits the simultaneous mounting of 3 CompactGrip vises thus increasing the working space and allowing the contemporary machining of multiple workpieces. Type Height Cod. LIST PRICE € 1 (Ø200) 170 7.64.3H100 1.763 2 (Ø308) 136 7.64.3H200 2.157 3 (Ø360) 190 7.64.3H300 2.314 KIT #2 KIT #3 Art. 643H + N°3 Art.650 T.2x200 * Check the machine spindle turning 60° Art. 643H + N°3 Art.650 T.3x210 * Check the machine spindle turning *45° *45° 30° Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 6501120-G11643H1-60 4.373 3.400 6502200-G11643H2-30/45 5.571 4.200 6503210-G11643H3-45 7.525 5.300 MAXIGRIP VISES MaxiGrip vise - 3 clamping in 1 - Self-Centering, Double and Single Art.685 A Art.685 B W A VISES A / DOUBLE SINGLE SELF-CENTERING 96 126 E Slide locking plate 16H7 B included with Art.685 A1 Type 4x270 4x420 kN 41 A A1 A2 A3 200 83 104 35 344 155 248 107 W 158 E Kg Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 270 28,5 76854270 2.920 2.299 420 40 76854420 3.870 3.099 E Kg Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 270 25 76844270 2.500 1.999 420 36 76844420 3.450 2.799 MaxiGrip vise - Only Self-centering 96 140 200 A3 Ø13 Art.684 A2 Type 4x270 4x420 kN 41 A A1 A2 A3 200 - 104 - 344 - 248 - W 158 A 158 A1 52 42 34 88 41.5 32 160 24 M12 6 M12 JUST ONE VISE HAS 3 DIFFERENT Ø16 H7 Ø14H7 Ø20H7 270 18 312 CLAMPING POSSIBILITIES 5 SINGLE / DOUBLE SELF-CENTERING 6 VISES H.17 6 43 26 31 36 36 You find this Icon when M10 5 YEARS WARRANTY sELF-CENTERING DOUBLE SINGLE 2 movable jaws clamp the workpiece by simultaneously moving toward the center Clamping of two workpieces through the use of the intermediate jaw. Clamping of 1 workpiece using a jaw as mobile and the opposite as fixed. EXPIRES ON 31.07.25 MADE in ITALY 2

COMPACT, RIGID AND ACCURATE. IDEAL FOR 5 AXIS CENTRES QUICK CHANGE PLATES Quick change plates for compactgrip vises - Ideal for 5 axis machines Art.660 Art.661 Mechanical quick change rectangular plate Mechanical quick change round plate F F ØA C C E Standard equipment: 4 Pull-studs Art.660B Standard equipment: 4 Pull-studs Art.660B D Type C D E Kg Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 1-2 27 116 150 3 9.66.05200 787 549 3 27 156 190 5,2 9.66.09600 1.133 849 (F=52) (F=96) Art.660S Type ØA ØB C Kg Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 1-2 156 120 27 3 9.66.15200 754 549 3 196 175 27 5,2 9.66.19600 1.102 849 (F=52) (F=96) Also with bar passage Art.661S Mechanical quick change hardned with machineable part holes free rectangular plate Mechanical quick change hardned with machineable part holes free round plate MACHINEABLE PARTS F E C ØA LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 9.66.1S5200 696 449 9.66.1S9600 9.66.1S960-250 9.66.1S960-300 1.159 1.647 1.750 649 1.450 1.550 Type C D E Kg Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € Type ØA C Kg Cod. 1-2 27 126 150 3 9.66.0S520 638 449 (F=52) 1-2 156 27 3,8 3 27 156 190 5,2 9.66.0S960 870 649 3 196 250 300 27 24 24 6 10 15 (F=52) (F=96) F Customization Excluded Standard equipment: 4 Pull-studs Art.660B D Standard equipment: 4 Pull-studs Art.660B MACHINEABLE PARTS Available Quick Change Plates for any kind of Rotary Plates or 4° Axis C Customization Excluded ØB Art.660R (F=96) Art.661R Mechanical quick change rectangular reduction plate Round reduction plate F ØA C F C E D B B Standard equipment: 4 Pull-studs Art.660B Standard equipment: 4 Pull-studs Art.660B Type B C D E Kg Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € Type A B C Kg Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € F = 52 96 27 126 150 3,75 9.66.0R210 696 449 F = 52 158 96 27 3,75 9.66.1R210 870 449 Art.660B Art.661H Quick change plate pull studs For type 1-2 plates For type 3 plates Type Code LIST PRICE CAD. € 1-2 9.66.0B100 31 3 9.66.0B200 33 Art.661S Aluminium base riser for quick-change plate, can be mounted with brackets or via Zero Point 5 YEARS WARRANTY EXAMPLE Mounting of a round quick change plate for CompactGrip vises Also with bar passage Pull Stud Art.660B Self centering Chuck Rotary Plate Haas Hrt200 EXPIRES ON 31.07.25 Interfaced plate Art.62B MADE in ITALY CompactGrip vises Art.650 T.3 3

ALL THE COMPONENTS ARE BUILT COMPLETELY WITH HIGH RESISTANCE STEEL AND CASE HARDENED STANDARD FLEX VISES Innovative comb system for quick pull-down jaw plates change - Ideal for vertical machining centres Art.1A X Std Equipment: 1 workstop, 2 positioning key-nuts for 16 mm slot, 2 inserts Art. 291, 1 box wrench, 1 “T” wrench 4 Holding Clamps Art.298 StandardFLEX series precision modular vise Type Max opening Jaw width Jaw Height Base Lenght Code 2 150 121 mm 38 345 1.1A.20000 925 789 420 1.1A.32000 1.112 839 520 1.1A.33000 1.283 949 455 1.1A.42000 1.414 1.189 555 1.1A.43000 1.555 1.239 400 655 1.1A.44000 1.696 1.339 200 495 1.1A.52000 1.846 1.489 595 1.1A.53000 2.210 1.789 695 1.1A.54000 2.582 2.039 25kN 3 30kN W A 200 B 146 mm 300 D 48 200 4 30kN 5 40kN 171 mm 300 300 58 196 mm 63 400 LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € REDUCTION UP TO 20% * When bought with a complete vise * Art.230B Soft * Art.230C Smooth * Art.230E With step * Art.230F Prismatic * Art.138 Square stack type jaw * Art.150 Stack type prismatic jaw * Art.212 Mobile intermediate with double step * Art.257 Art.297 Hydraulic hand Positioning screw clamping Key Nuts ≠16 device EXTRA LONG VISES Vises with the extra large base dimension, much longer than std vises - Ideal for vertical machining centres Art.21 X Std Equipment: 1 workstop, 2 positioning key-nuts for 16 mm slot, 2 inserts Art. 291, 1 box wrench, 1 “T” wrench (Single Clamping) XL modular vise with standard dotation 6 Holding clamps Art. 298 Max Type opening A 2 25kN 3 30kN 320 360 460 Jaw width Jaw Height Base Lenght Kg Code LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 125 mm 40 520 17 2.21.23200 1.147 800 150 mm 50 580 32 2.21.33600 1.425 1.000 680 35 2.21.34600 1.578 1.150 766 52 2.21.45000 1.828 1.350 866 56 2.21.46000 1.990 1.450 966 61 2.21.47000 2.159 1.550 W B 500 4 30kN 600 175 mm 60 700 D PARALLEL MAGNETIC PLATES Thickness: 2,8mm Art.414 Also Available Universal Parallel magnetic plates Art.310 bought with a complete vise * Art.150 Prismatic stack type * Art.217 Prismatic Movable * Art.313 Magnetic parallel plates * Art.230S Serrated jaw plate Art.297 Positioning Key Nuts ≠16 U P TO 40% Art.311 Pair of guided parallels magnetic plates Price each in case of set purchase 6 pairs of parallel bars (Art.313-313R) Price each in case of set purchase 10 pairs of parallel bars (Art.313-313R) Type LIST PRICE EACH € PRICE EACH € KIT PRICE € PRICE EACH € KIT PRICE € 1 73 50 300 - - 2 93 65 390 - - 3 116 75 450 70 700 4 136 90 540 80 800 5 155 100 600 90 900 6 176 120 720 100 1.000 5 YEARS WARRANTY * When * Art.138 A square stack type R ED U C TI O N Wide range of heights available on page 4.27 - General price list w17 F O R V I S E S S T A N D A R D & S T A N D A R D F L E X A R T. 1 e A R T. 1 A REDUCTION UP TO 20% EXPIRES ON 31.07.25 4

REGULATED AND STEADY TIGHTENING AUTOMATION KITS Unit with pneumatic control and single effect cylinder - Ideal for vertical machining centres Air VISE NOT INCLUDED Art.402 frontal pneumatic valve 290 Art.396B base block for PNEUMATIC control 156 F O R V I S E S S T A N D A R D & S T A N D A R D F L E X A R T. 1 a n d A R T. 1 A 250 N°1 CLAMPING Art.394 power unit with air control valve Art.271 IDRAULIC cylinder with sigle effect VISE NOT INCLUDED Also available units with solenoid valves electromagnetics for CNC 3 4 5 26 40 (Not included) Art.392/3 (Art.271- 394 - 402 - 403) N°2 SYMULTANEOUSLY CLAMPING Art.392 + N°1 Art.271 2 Stroke Art.271 *Art.405H SIMULTANEOUS VISES CLAMPING KIT Art.392/2 348 Art.392 Type Art. 403 Hydraulic pipe Multispiral (1,5m) 130 Code LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 4.39.22000 1.872 1.499 4.39.23000 1.884 1.499 4.39.24000 1.917 1.499 4.39.25000 2.109 1.599 Suitable galvanized steel pipe Ø6 (m1,0) Codice: 4.40.5H000 Art.392/4 N°3 SYMULTANEOUSLY CLAMPING Art.392 + N°2 Art.271 N°4 SYMULTANEOUSLY CLAMPING Art.392 + N°3 Art.271 405H* 405H* 405H* +1 +2 Art. 271 +3 Art. 271 Art. 271 Art.403** Art.403** Art.403** Type Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € Type Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € Type Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 2 4.39.22002 2.255 1.799 2 4.39.22003 2.634 2.099 2 4.39.22004 3.017 2.399 3 4.39.23002 2.277 1.799 3 4.39.23003 2.667 2.099 3 4.39.23004 3.059 2.399 4 4.39.24002 2.345 1.799 4 4.39.24003 2.767 2.099 4 4.39.24004 3.196 2.399 5 4.39.25002 2.725 2.099 5 4.39.25003 3.341 2.499 5 4.39.25004 3.958 2.999 *Art.403 INDEPENDENT CLAMPING GROUP KIT Art.392A/2 (Compreso) Art.392A/3 (Art.271- 394 - 402 - 403) N°2 SYMULTANEOUSLY CLAMPING Art.392 + N°1 Art.407B Art.392A/4 N°3 SYMULTANEOUSLY CLAMPING Art.392 + N°2 Art.407B +2 +1 N°4 SYMULTANEOUSLY CLAMPING Art.392 + N°3 Art.407B +3 Art.407B Art.407B Hydraulic pipe Multispiral 760bar complete with rapid connection Art. 270A (m 1,5) Codice: 4.40.30000 Art.407B Art.403** Art.403** SPECIAL PRICE € Type Art.403** Type Cod. LIST PRICE € 2 4.39.2A202 3.063 2.399 2 4.39.2A203 3.564 2.799 2 4.39.2A204 4.413 3.599 3 4.39.2A302 3.083 2.399 3 4.39.2A303 3.596 2.799 3 4.39.2A304 4.455 3.599 4 4.39.2A402 3.161 2.399 4 4.39.2A403 3.695 2.799 4 4.39.2A404 4.584 3.599 5 4.39.2A502 3.639 2.799 5 4.39.2A503 4.247 3.299 5 4.39.2A504 5.319 4.199 5 YEARS WARRANTY Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € Type Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € EXPIRES ON 31.07.25 MADE in ITALY 5

FOR SINGLE, DOUBLE AND SELF-CENTERING CLAMPING FMS VISES For single, double and self-centering clamping - Ideal for vertical & horizontal machines Art.855 Art.855 Base Body 3 in 1 Art.855A VISES Art.855A SINGLE / DOUBLE SELF-CENTERING Base Body Self-Centering Only W Type W 2 (94mm) 25kN 3 A (124mm) 30kN C 4 (144mm) 30kN B Base eight A Base width B 90 95 100 125 120 145 Base lenght C Code LIST PRICE € Cod. LIST PRICE € 400 5.85.52400 1.365 5.85.5240A 1.447 500 5.85.52500 1.848 5.85.5250A 1.947 600 5.85.52600 2.041 5.85.5260A 2.114 500 5.85.53500 1.773 5.85.5350A 1.864 600 5.85.53600 2.452 5.85.5360A 2.559 600 5.85.54600 2.258 5.85.5460A 2.337 COMPOSE YOUR VISE WITH THE HUNDREDS OF JAWS AVAILABLE DOUBLE CLAMPING CONFIGURATION 4 Art.805N Art.810L Type 2 3 4 Art.808 Art.807 Type 2 3 4 Art.805G Art.810X Type 2 3 4 Art.805U Art.810U 1.400 1.800 1.950 1.800 2.300 2.300 Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 5.86.32400 5.86.32500 5.86.32600 5.86.33500 5.86.33600 5.86.34600 1.952 2.436 2.628 2.420 3.098 3.104 1.550 1.900 2.100 1.900 2.450 2.450 Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 5.86.52400 5.86.52500 5.86.52600 5.86.53500 5.86.53600 5.86.54600 2.120 2.604 2.798 2.735 3.418 3.540 1.700 2.100 2.200 2.200 2.700 2.800 Double vise with floating step jaws (3x5) Art.810X Art.867 1.794 2.281 2.471 2.264 2.941 2.908 Double vise with quick change pull down jaws (comb system) Art.807 Art.866 5.86.02400 5.86.02500 5.86.02600 5.86.03500 5.86.03600 5.86.04600 Double vise with step jaws Art.810L Art.865 SPECIAL PRICE € Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 5.86.62400 5.86.62500 5.86.62600 5.86.63500 5.86.63600 5.86.64600 2.242 2.728 2.918 2.761 3.439 3.391 1.800 2.200 2.300 2.200 2.700 2.700 Double vise with floating step jaws with adjustable inserts Art.810U Type 2 3 4 Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 5.86.72400 5.86.72500 5.86.72600 5.86.73500 5.86.73600 5.86.74600 2.618 3.048 3.293 3.171 3.850 3.874 1.999 2.328 2.516 2.423 2.941 2.960 5 YEARS WARRANTY + Base Body Self-Centering Only Art.810 2 Serrated jaws Type Art.810 Art.860A CENTER S 3 LIST PRICE € M ACHI N ING 2 Cod. AX I S Type Art.855A Art.810 2 3 4 Art.855A + 2 Step jaws Art.863A Art.810L Type Art.810L 2 3 4 Art.855A + Base Body Self-Centering Only Type Art.807 Art.807 2 3 4 Art.855A + Art.814(n°2) + Base Body Self-Centering Only Art.868A Art.805V Art.855A + Art.870A Art.814 2 3 4 1.722 2.206 2.398 2.172 2.848 2.775 * LIST PRICE € 1.846 2.330 2.524 2.332 3.015 3.008 * LIST PRICE € 2.113 2.578 2.757 2.590 3.246 3.328 Art.810J 2 Prismatic jaws Art.810J Art.810J Type 2 3 4 EXPIRES ON 31.07.25 * LIST PRICE € Art.805V(n°2) Type Art.805V Art.814 Base Body Self-Centering Only 1.647 2.135 2.325 2.100 2.776 2.682 Art.807 2 Quick change pull down jaws Art.865A * LIST PRICE € Art.810L Base Body Self-Centering Only 5 Art.810 Art.810 Art.863 * For self-centering configuration ONLY, spacer Art.850T included in the price Double vises with serrated jaws FOR Art.805C Smooth side * SELF-CENTERING CONFIGURATION ONLY IDEA L Art.860 Serrated side * LIST PRICE € 1.882 2.367 2.558 2.377 3.054 3.108 6

ALL THE COMPONENTS ARE BUILT COMPLETELY WITH HIGH RESISTANCE STEEL AND CASE HARDENED MULTIFLEX VISES For multiple clamping from 1 to 19 workpieces of various sizes - Ideal for vertical & horizontal machines Std Equipment : 1 “T” wrench, 2 positioning keynuts and 4 workstops. Each vise is supplied for 4 workpieces clamping. (* Types supplied for 3 workpieces clamping) 6 holding clamps Art.298 W B A1 D Art.600 Art.600W Type 0 C +- 0,02 B 1 32/25 50 2 40 75 3 60 100 20kN 30kN 40kN D 300 400 500 600 700 400 500 600 700 800 900 700 800 900 1000 W 49 74 99 Art.605 Fixed and movable jaws C Art.609 Fixed and movable jaws with A2 integral step W Art.613 Double clamping movable jaws A2 Art.606 W A3 Art.611 A1 mm Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € A2 mm Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € A3 mm Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 4x8 4x33 4x58 4x83 4x108 4x12 4x37 4x62 4x87 4x112 4x137 4x59 4x84 4x109 4x134 6.60.01300 6.60.01400 6.60.01500 6.60.01600 6.60.01700 6.60.02400 6.60.02500 6.60.02600 6.60.02700 6.60.02800 6.60.02900 6.60.03700 6.60.03800 6.60.03900 6.60.03100 1.204 1.308 1.425 1.553 1.736 1.566 1.681 1.811 1.940 2.114 2.302 2.244 2.428 2.619 2.869 749 849 949 1.049 1.149 1.099 1.249 1.349 1.449 1.549 1.749 1.649 1.749 1.949 2.149 * 3x19 4x23 4x48 4x73 4x97 * 3x28 4x24 4x49 4x74 4x99 4x124 4x44 4x69 4x94 4x119 6.60.61300 6.60.61400 6.60.61500 6.60.61600 6.60.61700 6.60.62400 6.60.62500 6.60.62600 6.60.62700 6.60.62800 6.60.62900 6.60.63700 6.60.63800 6.60.63900 6.60.63100 1.822 1.898 2.013 2.141 2.327 2.266 2.386 2.517 2.647 2.832 3.021 3.057 3.245 3.431 3.682 1.200 1.300 1.400 1.500 1.600 1.550 1.650 1.750 1.850 1.950 2.050 2.150 2.250 2.450 2.650 * 3x21 4x46 4x71 4x96 4x121 4x34 4x59 4x84 4x109 4x134 4x158,5 4x77 4x102 4x127 4x152 6.61.11300 6.61.11400 6.61.11500 6.61.11600 6.61.11700 6.61.12400 6.61.12500 6.61.12600 6.61.12700 6.61.12800 6.61.12900 6.61.13700 6.61.13800 6.61.13900 6.61.13100 1.822 1.898 2.013 2.130 2.327 2.266 2.386 2.517 2.647 2.832 3.021 3.057 3.245 3.431 3.682 1.200 1.300 1.400 1.500 1.600 1.550 1.650 1.750 1.850 1.950 2.050 2.150 2.250 2.450 2.650 FOR MAGNETIC PARALLEL PLATES AND PARALLEL JAW PLATES REDUCTION UP TO Art.616 Pair of magnetic parallel plates for Art. 600 REDUCTION UP TO Art.610E Parallel jaw plate for Art.606 20% 20% When bought with a complete vise When bought with a complete vise MULTITASKING VISES Self-centering and eccentric vises - Ideal for 5 axis machining centres Art.640 Type 3 ! Possible request 1 2 4 of 2 Art.645T jaws instead Art.645E 3,5 3x166 /99 74 3x266 75 1.858 2.285 2.658 2.785 SPECIAL PRICE € 1.049 1.249 1.899 1.999 Art.641H Type 2 3x166 640 753 769 1.167 SPECIAL PRICE € 400 450 600 900 Compatible 1 Art.64 2 2 Height H 100 125 163 Cod. 9.63.10000 9.63.20000 9.64.20000 LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 1.222 2.066 3.448 949 1.449 - H=100 LIST PRICE € Art.63 Art.645D Serrated Jaw 3x266 7.64.1H100AL 7.64.1H200AL 7.64.1H3166AL 7.64.1H3266AL /100 /100 /100 /100 Cod. Art.645C Smooth Jaw Simple riser for Art.640 vise MOUNTING INCLUDED Compatible 1 5 85/115 LIST PRICE € Art.645B Soft Jaw /10 6.64.01000 6.64.02000 7.64.03166 7.64.03266 Cod. Type Standard equipment : 1 workstop,1 exagonal wrench, pair of positioning key-nuts Art.297 Steel risers with zero point for Art.640 for quick change. Standard equipment : 1 pull-stud Art.10S / 11S 1 teflon cap with O-ring Art.9, 1 shoulder calibrated screw Art.79 5 YEARS WARRANTY H Art.645E Step Jaw Art.645F Prismatic Jaw Art.645T Grip Jaw (Supplied on request) EXPIRES ON 31.07.25 Type Cod. 1 2 3 6.64.5B100 6.64.5B200 6.64.5B300 Type Cod. 1 2 3 6.64.5C100 6.64.5C200 6.64.5C300 Type Cod. 1 2 3 6.64.5D100 6.64.5D200 6.64.5D300 Type Cod. 1 2 3 6.64.5E100 6.64.5E200 6.64.5E300 Type Cod. 1 2 3 6.64.5F100 6.64.5F200 6.64.5F300 Type Cod. 1 2 3 6.64.5T100 6.64.5T200 6.64.5T300 LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 102 122 159 102 122 159 102 122 159 115 134 171 129 146 185 129 146 185 77 93 121 77 93 121 77 93 121 87 102 130 98 111 141 98 111 141 7

CAST IRON TOMBSTONE + STEEL VISES = STABILITY & PRECISION TOMBSTONES Solid cast iron cast with double stress relieving heat treatment - Ideal for orizontal machining centres made in italy STANDARD JAPANESE BASE/HEIGHT REDUCTION: € 220 Art.53 5th side machineable A A H B B C Art.53 B B2 PLUS LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 550 197 1.853 1.550 8.53.B20080 182 2.361 1.950 660 228 2.139 1.690 8.53.B20081 204 2.680 2.050 - 650 255 2.417 2.000 8.53.B20100 238 3.027 2.400 45 - 750 284 2.505 2.000 8.53.B20105 254 3.138 2.500 45 - 900 383 3.551 2.700 8.53.B20115 354 4.311 3.300 8.53.B00171 360 500 45 - 700 356 3.328 2.500 8.53.B20171 326 4.041 3.050 8.53.B00180 360 630 45 - 820 452 4.217 3.200 8.53.B20180 427 5.277 4.200 *8.53.B00211 510 630 45 - 860 5.858 3.850 8.53.B20211 7.113 4.350 Cod. A B C D 8.53.B00080 260 400 45 - 8.53.B00081 260 400 45 - 8.53.B00100 260 500 45 8.53.B00105 260 500 8.53.B00115 310 500 H Kg 61 Cod. LIST PRICE € Kg 593 A One integral G30 cast iron casting milled with double stressrelieving heat treatment. Wall thickness 43-45mm. Tolerance +12 / -5 mm B Rough casting with machined and hand scraped base face for direct clamping on Japanese standard pallet.Base with 4 precision holes Ø20F7 and bottom threads M16 with precise pitch dimensions for the use of our Zero Point or to be interface with other pallets or head plates. Ready for installation and to be machined for reset with machine axis. Tolerance +12 / -5 mm C Cube completely finished with wall thickness roughly 38-40mm. Tolerance ± 0,02 mm SPECIAL PRICE € * Only for pallets with “T” slots Art.55 C A Cod. H B D B C B Kg LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € Cod. LIST PRICE € Kg SPECIAL PRICE € 660 244 2.345 1.800 8.55.B20052 206 2.846 2.150 50 700 331 3.131 2.400 8.55.B20053 303 3.801 2.900 8.55.B00054 510 500 210 55 600 316 3.042 2.300 8.55.B20054 301 3.693 2.800 8.55.B00170 640 450 160 55 820 460 4.347 3.200 8.55.B20170 433 5.278 4.000 8.55.B00172 640 630 210 55 850 545 5.178 3.540 8.55.B20172 520 6.288 4.500 8.55.B00190 810 450 160 65 800 604 5.805 4.040 8.55.B20190 782 7.048 4.900 Cod. C H 50 Art.57 H D 8.55.B00053 510 500 160 E B A B2 PLUS 8.55.B00052 410 400 160 A A Art.55 B Art.57 B A B LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 750 157 1.715 1.550 850 235 2.126 1.950 850 218 2.049 50 150 850 269 50 150 950 327 C D H 8.57.B00100 210 500 50 80 8.57.B00110 280 500 50 80 8.57.B00120 240 500 50 110 8.57.B00130 310 500 8.57.B00140 310 630 Kg P L U S B2 PLUS LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 8.57.B20100 155 2.075 1.850 8.57.B20110 241 2.608 2.300 1.850 8.57.B20120 216 2.556 2.250 2.466 2.050 8.57.B20130 232 2.974 2.550 2.790 2.450 8.57.B20140 325 3.293 2.650 Cod. B2 1mm overstock on each Kg side. Ready for installation and to be machined for reset with machine axis. E Integral cube with calibrated holes and solid threads. Tolerance ± 0,02 mm F Integral cube with hardened bushing 100 Cr6 and stainless steel helicoils. Tolerance ± 0,02mm INTEGRAL VISE-CUBE WITH BASE A Art.53B1 Light Cube Finished Base A E REDUCTION UP TO 20% H B C Art.55B1 2 sides tombstones light Finished Base Kg Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € A B 45 25 750 167 8.53.B10055 1.853 1.500 410 400 45 25 850 229 8.53.B10085 2.235 1.800 500 45 25 750 234 8.53.B10105 2.439 1.950 410 400 360 500 50 30 900 400 8.53.B10182 3.453 2.700 510 500 360 630 45 30 950 468 8.53.B10185 4.135 3.250 510 4.250 640 C 210 400 260 400 260 460 630 45 35 950 634 E= Wall tickness 8.53.B10205 5.161 C 20% H B H B REDUCTION UP TO E B E A C A D LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 8.55.B10045 2.111 1.700 8.55.B10050 2.343 1.900 277 8.55.B10053 2.757 2.200 900 402 8.55.B10085 3.531 2.800 950 553 8.55.B10172 4.753 3.700 D E H Kg Cod. 110 55 25 750 193 160 55 25 850 239 160 55 25 750 500 210 55 30 630 210 55 30 E= Wall tickness 5 YEARS WARRANTY EXPIRES ON 31.07.25 MADE in ITALY 8

THE FIRST THE TOWARDS AUTOMATION ZERO POINT UNITS & PLATES Set up times reduced of 90%, repeatability within 0,005 mm - Ideal for vertical & horizontal machining centres THE CLASSIC MULTIPLE PNEUMATIC Type Cod. kN 1 2 3 9.66.41000 5,4 9.66.42000 10 9.66.43000 16 Art.665 Ø84-Ø110Ø138 LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 632 499 951 599 1.194 999 NOT AVAILABLE 90- Art.664S 32-45-45 Double Effect kN 168 0-Ø Ø12 Cod. kN Double Effect kN 1 2 3 9.66.4S100 5,4 9.66.4S200 10 9.66.4S300 16 Art.665S BUILT-IN Type Cod. kN 1 2 3 9.66.51000 5,4 9.66.52000 10 9.66.53000 16 68 0-Ø1 Double Effect kN LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 509 399 826 499 1.075 899 NOT AVAILABLE 90-12 WITH FLANGE DOUBLE EFFECT AIR+SPRINGS Type Ø138-Ø188-Ø215 30-42-47 42-48-62 12-15-15 90 Ø138 Ø168 WITH FLANGE 20-20-25 Ø138-Ø178-Ø213 Art.664 LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 12,7 732 599 27 1.037 699 40 1.194 999 BUILT-IN DOUBLE EFFECT AIR+SPRINGS Type Cod. kN Double Effect kN LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 1 2 3 9.66.5S100 5,4 12,7 610 499 9.66.5S200 10 27 914 599 9.66.5S300 16 40 1.075 899 12-15-15 20-20-25 50-55-70 90 Ø138 Ø168 THE HERMETIC SINGLE PNEUMATIC Ø84-Ø110Ø138 Standard Equipment: 1 pull-stud Art.11A, 1 Teflon cup with O-Ring Art.9 Clamping force 5 ÷ 40 kN / Holding force more than 60 kN / Pneumatic release 6 ÷ 14 bar / Axial and radial compensation thanks to elastic integral collet / Double pull-stud centering for Max rigidity / Air cleaning / Only for SINGLE ZERO POINT (S version): 4 KEYWAYS and DOUBLE EFFECT FUNCTION PNEUMATIC ZERO POINT KIT INTERFACED BASE PLATES KIT #1 E #2 POSITIONING & LOCKING INCLUDED VERTICAL CNC KIT #1 KIT #3 E #4 STANDARD POSITIONING & LOCKING INCLUDED, SPECIFIC LOCKING EXTRA* HORIZONTAL CNC KIT #2 200 400/500 30 0/6 /50 0 40 KIT #3 i VERTICAL CNC 600/800 KIT #4 200 5TH AXIS CNC Ø425/500/630 400 i i 400/500 i 58 BASE PLATE Art.81P LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 200x400 (i=200) 2.724 1.749 200x500 (i=250) 2.793 1.849 Art.80P LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 400x400 (i=200) 500x500 (i=250) 630x630 (i=300) 4.880 3.299 5.107 3.499 5.595 3.999 BASE PLATE 58 58 58 BASE PLATE Art.81P LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 400x600 (i=200) 7.035 4.699 400x800 (i=300) 7.332 4.899 Art.82P LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € Ø425 (i=200) Ø500 (i=250) Ø630 (i=300) 5.107 3.399 5.085 3.499 5.674 3.999 ROUND BASE PLATE INTERFACE PLATES FOR ZERO POINT BASE PLATES 400/500 Art.61iE Art.60iE 200 400/500/630 Art.61i 38 Art.61iE i Art.61iE i Ø425/500/630 400 200 600/800 Art.60i Art.61i i 38 Art.61i i 400/500 38 38 Art.61iC SMOOTH LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 200x400 (i=200) 936 599 200x500 (i=250) 1.006 649 Art.61iE LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 200x400 (i=200) 1.135 649 200x500 (i=250) 1.250 749 INTEGRAL GRID Art.60iC LIST PRICE € 400x400 (i=200) 500x500 (i=250) 630x630 (i=300) SMOOTH Art.60iE INTEGRAL GRID 400x400 (i=200) 500x500 (i=250) 630x630 (i=300) 5 YEARS WARRANTY SPECIAL PRICE € Art.61iC SMOOTH LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 1.146 863 1.380 1.039 400x600 (i=200) 1.753 1.320 1.730 1.303 400x800 (i=300) 2.337 1.760 LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 1.505 1.040 1.968 1.360 3.090 2.136 Art.61iE LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 400x600 (i=200) 2.083 1.440 400x800 (i=300) 2.962 2.048 INTEGRAL GRID EXPIRES ON 31.07.25 Art.62iC LIST PRICE € Ø425 (i=200) Ø500 (i=250) Ø630 (i=300) 1.228 924 1.402 1.056 1.636 1.232 LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 1.505 1.040 1.921 1.328 2.569 1.776 SMOOTH Art.62iE INTEGRAL GRID Ø425 (i=200) Ø500 (i=250) Ø630 (i=300) MADE in ITALY SPECIAL PRICE € 9

SEMI OR FULLY AUTOMATIC SYSTEM CLAMP GRIP MATIC VISES BCLAMP Art.671C B Art.671A/B A1 C+B C D E 74 6,4 88,9 105 80 106 52 3 99 8,5 130,2 135 105 166 78 140 4 124 96 D 170 162 Art.671A Soft Jaw 165 130 Art.671B Soft narrow jaw 206 Art.671C H UNCLAMP 90 CLAMP 7 kN CLAMP CLAMP H ±0.02 A A1 Art.671A/B Clamping force Air pressure E UNCLAMP D D Art.671A/B ART.670 PNEUMATIC Code GripMatic Vise Art.670-T.2 7.67.0PN20 Max 14,4 kN 7.67.0PN30 10BAR Pressure Clamping force ART.670 HYDRAULIC Code LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 30BAR 19 kN 7.67.0ID20 1.790 1.400 30BAR 37,5 kN 7.67.0ID30 2.387 1.850 7.67.0ID40 3.162 2.400 D 16,9 kN 7.67.0PN40 25 BAR 47 kN Art.671C Jaw for narrow width standard jaw plates Art.671A/B 15 10 15 10 Pitch centering and fixing holes Jaw lenght 2 12 Art.671A/B E GripMatic Vise Art.670-T.2 UNCLAMP 15 10 A Base lenght A A1 Ø20H7 D C W E W Art.671A/B ØG H7 E W B Type E C C CLAMP D Base height A A1 Art.671C E H ±0.02 GripMatic Vise Art.670-T.2 Vise base pneumatic or Hydraulic, ideal for 5 axis machining centres. Vise height H ±0.02 H UNCLAMP Min Max opening opening Ø20H7 Standard equipment: - 4x Calibrated screws (Art.83) - 2 Niplon o 2 Art.PN04 - No return valve (Art.PN16) ØG H7 ±0.02 ØG H7 Niplon W Jaw width Ø20H7 UNCLAMP Art. 83 Art. PN16 H ±0.02 Art.670 Art. PN04 UNCLAMP H ±0.02 Hydraulic or pneumatic vise double effect - Ideal for 5 axis machining centres Art.243 Hardened grooved straight jaw plate Art.245 Hardened smooth straight jaw plate Art.247G Straight plate with GRIP inserts INTERFACED PLATE FOR GRIP MATIC VISES - IDEAL FOR 5 AXIS MACHINING CENTRES C 25 C 25 SEMI-AUTOMATIC Art.670CP G E F D 300 A 29.5 Fori per Zero PointFori per Zero Point Holes for Zero Point table Holes for Zero Point table F D 300 A 29.5 Parte lavorabile Parte lavorabile Machineable areaMachineable area B system control through a selector. Pitch holes Pitch holes Pitch holes Pitch holes C (Zero Point) (Zero Point) (Zero Point) (Zero Point) 38 200 200 250 250 Type Holes pitch Holes pitch Plate height 2 90 90 A B Ingresso aria Air input chiusura aria Apertura e chiusura Apertura e Ingresso Opening and Air clamping input Opening and clamping G E Interface plate for GripMatic vise Art.670PN semi-automatic quick coupling air input and manual D E F G Air pressure Clamping force Code 7 kN 7.67.0CP20 3 140 140 38 200 200 250 250 Max 14,4 kN 7.67.0CP30 10BAR 4 170 170 38 200 200 250 250 16,9 kN 7.67.0CP40 LIST PRICE € 2.271 B Art.670AP FULLI AUTOMATIC Interface plate for GripMatic vise Art.670PN automatic with air input through the machine table and possible to be controlled directly by the CNC. This plate can be fully tailored according the characteristics of the machine (workpiece positioning check and cleanliness). * Minimun price, PERSONALIZATION INCLUDED 100% Customizable Plate Type 2 5 YEARS WARRANTY Air pressure ART.670 Clamping Pneumatic force Code 7 kN LIST PRICE €* 7.67.0AP20 3 Max 14,4 kN 7.67.0AP30 10BAR 4 16,9 kN 7.67.0AP40 EXPIRES ON 31.07.25 2.497 MADE in ITALY 10

THE ITALIAN DOUBLE GUIDE DUODUX CHUCKS Double guide self-centering chucks MADE IN ITALY DIN Standard equipment: 1 set made by 3 internal clamp jaws, 1 set made by 3 external clamp jaws, 1 chuck wrench for jaws opening 6350 B Machinable Griffa Lavorabile Machineable Jaw C D External Clamp Rpm Max 308 daN ISO racy Accu Ø F Internal Clamp 9/74 E Code gcm Nm Pay Attent ion! A 3+3 3+3+3 OR G G1 A B C h6 D E F G G1 daN Rpm SINGLE GUIDE Ø160 70,5 130 42 144,5 N°3 M8 89,5 106 3.100 Max 3.600 DOUBLE GUIDE Ø200 81 160 53 176 N°3 M10 113 132,5 3.700 Max 3.000 DOUBLE GUIDE Ø250 88,5 200 80 224 N°6 M12 124 149,5 4.600 Max 2.500 DOUBLE GUIDE Ø310 100,5 260 108 286 N°3 M12 143,5 162,5 5.500 Max 2.000 DOUBLE GUIDE Ø365 105,5 310 126,5 336,5 N°6 M14 155 168 5.900 Max 1.800 DOUBLE GUIDE Ø430 114 382 170 405 N°6 M14 170 176,5 6.900 Max 1.400 3+3 3+3+3 A Kg Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € Kg Cod. LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € SINGLE GUIDE Ø160 8 GMD-160-3G20 1.067 854 10 GMD-160-3G30 1.333 1.066 DOUBLE GUIDE Ø200 15 GDD-200-3G20 1.156 925 18 GDD-200-3G30 1.444 1.155 DOUBLE GUIDE Ø250 23 GDD-250-3G20 1.358 1.086 27 GDD-250-3G30 1.650 1.320 DOUBLE GUIDE Ø310 38 GDD-310-3G20 1.984 1.587 44 GDD-310-3G30 2.319 1.855 DOUBLE GUIDE Ø365 61 GDD-365-3G20 3.092 2.474 71 GDD-365-3G30 3.760 3.008 DOUBLE GUIDE Ø430 92 GDD-430-3G20 4.345 3.476 103 GDD-430-3G30 5.180 4.144 ACCURACY, RIGIDITY & STABILITY ALSO DURING HEAVY DUTY MACHINING DUO-DUX, the double guide self-centering manual chuck 100% Made in Italy. It is made with double guided integral jaws, which can stand heavier charges and grant a better stability. The crown is ground with a special way studied by Gerardi to grant highest precision and repeatability. Every DUO-DUX chuck is balanced following the ISO3089/74 rules and supplied with the warranty and testing certificates. The chucks with diameter 365 and 430mm, suitable for heavy-duty machinings, keep the same technical features and precision of the chucks with lower diameters. HIGHEST RIGIDITY W 5 AR S 5 YEARS GUARANTEED F Ø105 E YEAR IV RANT EN IRON CAST BODY Y GJL 250 Special model ø270-105 Integral Jaws Double guide 5 Years Warranty Not only standard dimensions: a special Ø270mm version with increased bar holder Ø105 is available too. Code GDD-270-3G20-105 Integral clamping jaws are made of hardened nichel-chrome steel for the highest accuracy and repeatability. Double guide system of our Duo Dux self-centering vises can bear higher workload and grant a higher stability. Sure of the reliability and high quality of all selfcentering vises DuoDux components, we recognize 5 years warranty on the whole range. 5 YEARS WARRANTY EXPIRES ON 31.07.25 MADE in ITALY 11

SAVE PURCHASING STATIC TOOL HOLDERS - CHOOSE FROM A WIDE RANGE ON THE CATALOGUE STATIC TOOL HOLDERS A wide range of driven tools with an unbeatable price / quality ratio SCAN THE QR CODE AND CHOOSE FROM A WIDE RANGE ON THE CATALOGUE DIN 69880 Ask the password to your supplier EXAMPLE KIT 1 3 PCS REDUCTION UP TO EXAMPLE KIT 2 4 PCS 10% PURCHASING 3 STATIC TOOLS DIN REDUCTION UP TO 15% PURCHASING 3 STATIC TOOLS DIN 69880 69880 THE DRIVEN TOOL FOR YOUR LATHE A quick overview of manufacturers on which all our Driven Tools can be mounted. DOOSAN Hwacheon DOOSAN Hyundai WIA Hardinge Victor Hwacheon Victor Takisawa Taiwan BMT 55 2 YEARS WARRANTY DOOSAN Hwacheon Hyundai WIA Samsung BMT 85 DMG MORI Cmz Goodway SL ZL DL G1 GOODWAY G3 G4 L= 104,85 HAAS L= 117,55 From Page 5.109 to Page 5.118 Takisawa Japan NZ T05 pages From Page 5.122 to Page 5.125 NL NLX DMG MORI Manufacturer MIYANO Goodway MIYANO NAKAMURA Muratec NAKAMURA Cmz NAKAMURA QTN 1 VDI 40 QTN 2 VDI 40 MAZAK HQ Victor EXPIRES ON 31.07.25 Ø38 Ø45 Ø 54 BMT 44 BMT 55 BMT 65 OKUMA VDI 40 BMT 55 BMT 60 BMT45 SP QTN 3 VDI 50 QTS SMART BMT68 Turret VDI 30 L= 130,25 BMT 75 Samsung From Page 5.51 to Page 5.54 From Page 5.40 to Page 5.44 Goodway Samsung Spinner Takisawa Taiwan Victor Jyoti Samsung Victor Samsung Hyundai WIA Hyundai WIA BMT 65 DMG MORI Turret From Page 5.127 to Page 5.133 BMT 45 Hwacheon Manufacturer From Page 5.135 to Page 5.138 BMT 55 Hardinge From Page 5.55 to Page 5.69 BMT 40 Haas T05 pages From Page 5.149 to Page 5.156 Nexturn Goodway VDI Hardinge Jyoti Turret DOOSAN DIN 1809 BIGLIA Manufacturer From Page 5.75 to Page 5.78 BARUFFALDI T05 pages From Page 5.79 to Page 5.90 DOOSAN DIN 5482 Turret From Page 5.91 to Page 5.106 From From Page 4.11 Page 5.21 to Page 4.44 to Page 5.32 DIN 5480 From Page 5.33 to Page 5.39 Manufacturer From Page 5.49 to Page 5.51 T05 pages VDI25 SP SPINNER BARUFFALDI VDI 30 BARUFFALDI VDI 40 BARUFFALDI VDI 50 TAKISAWA JAPAN BMT 60 TAKISAWA TAIWAN BMT 60 TSUGAMI BMT 65 MADE in ITALY 12

A WIDE RANGE OF DRIVEN TOOLS FOR CNC LATHE WITH AN UNBEATABLE PRICE / QUALITY RATIO DRIVEN TOOLS SX Upgrade your lathe and boost productivity! Left - Right R DISCOVE SCAN TO ERF. TYPE P HIGH HIGH PERFORMA NCE Models Availa ble DX (+ torque, + RP M) Which is your machine model? WE BET IT IS ON OUR ESTORE ! GERARDI 1 What brand and model of lathe are you looking for ? DOOSAN / HARDINGE / GOODWAY / DMG MORI / MIYANO ecc... 2 Which kind of turret has your lathe? VDI / BMT55 / BMT65 ecc... Check out our estore, with two simple questions you will find all the Driven Tools suitable for the lathe you have ! Int. Coolant Direction of rotation same as machine spindle Direction of rotation opposite to machine spindle Both direction of rotation to machine spindle available * The torque value, expressed in Nm, is the maximum allowed. Prolonged use at this value can damage the driven tool; for longer life and less wear, it is recommended to keep it below this limit. BMT COMPATIBLE WITH DOOSAN / HARDINGE / SAMSUNG / HWACHEON / HYUNDAI WIA / VICTOR / HAAS / SPINNER. BMT 65 ALSO COMPATIBLE WITH HAAS LATHES! (Bolt Mounted Turret) Tipo Type BMT Cod. ER H Max Nm* Rpm LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € Tipo Type BMT Axial 45 99.DS.A03 25 57,2 35 8000 1.033 839 Radial Axial 45 99.DS.A04 25 57,2 35 8000 1.179 929 Radial Axial Axial Axial Axial 55 99.DS.A01 55 25 57,2 40 99.DS.A02 65 HAAS READY! 65 HAAS READY! 25 57,2 40 Radial 899 8000 1.243 Radial 979 8000 1.363 55 65 HAAS READY! 65 HAAS READY! 65 HAAS READY! 65 SPECIAL PRICE € 99.DS.A12C 25 70 40 8000 2.408 1.899 99.DS.A51C 32 72 70 6000 2.140 1.699 99.DS.A52C 32 72 70 6000 2.534 1.999 99.DS.A73C 32 100 70 6000 2.310 1.899 99.DS.A74C 32 100 70 6000 2.711 2.199 Max Nm* Rpm LIST PRICE € ER 99.DS.A41 32 72,5 70 6000 1.274 1.049 Radial 99.DS.A42 32 72,5 70 6000 1.465 1.179 Radial 75 99.DS.A38C 40 60 100 6000 3.311 2.649 Radial 75 99.DS.A39C 40 60 100 6000 3.973 3.099 Adj ±90° 45 99.DS.A16 20 65 15 8000 4.698 3.899 Adj ±90° 45 99.DS.A17 20 65 15 8000 6.111 4.699 Adj ±90° 55 99.DS.A23 20 65 15 8000 4.698 3.899 Adj ±90° 55 99.DS.A66 20 65 15 8000 6.111 4.699 99.DS.A64 25 75 25 6000 5.221 4.299 99.DS.A65 25 75 25 6000 6.748 5.199 Adj ±90° 75 99.DS.A47 25 75 25 6000 5.221 4.299 Adj ±90° 75 99.DS.A48 25 75 25 6000 6.748 5.199 Axial 75 99.DS.A34 40 90,2 100 6000 1.497 1.249 Axial 75 99.DS.A35 40 90,2 100 6000 1.720 1.399 Radial 45 99.DS.A07C 25 65 35 8000 1.822 1.499 Radial 45 99.DS.A08C 25 65 35 8000 2.190 1.799 Radial 55 99.DS.A11C 25 70 40 8000 2.038 1.599 Adj ±90° H Adj ±90° H H HAAS READY! 65 HAAS READY! 65 HAAS READY! Driven tools with bigger tenon available on request BMT ATTACHMENT WITH STANDARD TENON Code example with Bigger Tenon: 99.DS.A03T BMT h3 d d1 d2 t f3 2 YEARS WARRANTY d d1 d2 f1 f2 f3 h1 h2 h3 i1 i2 t t2 h4 N ØM 45 15 Ø45 35 14 58 58 10 84 60 40 75 75 6 8,5 55 15 Ø55 40 16 64 64 14 104 75 30 85 85 8 8,5 9,5 65 18 Ø65 45 18 70 73 15 112 83 32 94 94 10 14 15 10 29 75 25 Ø75 55 23 90 90 15 110 80 43 112 112 14 15 - - - 85 25 Ø85 65 33,5 100 100 18 140 100 43 125 125 16 20 - - - EXPIRES ON 31.07.25 - - - 8 29 MADE in ITALY N t1 c1 M h2 c1 h1 i1 f1 i2 f2 H Cod. h4 13

A WIDE RANGE OF DRIVEN TOOLS FOR CNC LATHE WITH AN UNBEATABLE PRICE / QUALITY RATIO R DISCOVE SCAN TO ERF. TYPE P HIGH DRIVEN TOOLS SX Upgrade your lathe and boost productivity! Left - Right Int. Coolant * Direction of rotation same as machine spindle HIGH PERFORMA NCE Models Availa ble DX (+ torque, + RP M) Direction of rotation opposite to machine spindle Both direction of rotation to machine spindle available The torque value, expressed in Nm, is the maximum allowed. Prolonged use at this value can damage the driven tool; for longer life and less wear, it is recommended to keep it below this limit. DIN 5480 / 5482 Type VDI ER * Rpm H Nm NICKEL PLATING SOLID BODY BIGLIA * In case of order specify always left or right orientation you need Cod. BMT55: B301 / 445 / 455 / 470 / 501 (Y-S) 510 / 545 / 550 / 565 / 650 / 658 / 1200 / 446 / 465 / 745 / 765 / B750 / 1250 16 STATIONS LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 917 779 Axial 55 979 Axial 55 Axial Type BMT LIST SPECIAL PRICE PRICE € € ER * Rpm H Nm 99.BG.A01 25 70 47 6000 887 699 99.BG.A02 T.134-00061 32 70 47 6000 887 699 Biglia Code Cod. Axial 30 99.ST.8003 25 66 32 6000 Axial 30 99.ST.8011 25 66 32 6000 1.185 Axial 40 99.ST.8005 32 95 63 6000 1.147 999 55 99.BG.A03 T.134-00071 32 70 47 6000 1.227 949 Axial 40 99.ST.8013 32 95 63 6000 1.499 1.229 Radial 55 99.BG.A05 25 70 47 6000 1.661 1.249 Radial 30 99.ST.8030 25 55 32 6000 1.926 1.599 Radial 55 99.BG.A06 T.134-00062 32 70 47 6000 1.661 1.249 Radial 30 99.ST.8038 25 55 32 6000 2.216 1.829 Radial 55 99.BG.A07 T.134-00072 32 70 47 6000 2.179 1.649 Radial 30 99.ST.8031 25 85 32 6000 2.018 1.699 Radial 55 99.BG.A08 T.134-00076 25 100 47 6000 1.868 1.399 Radial 30 99.ST.8032 25 100 32 6000 2.056 1.749 Radial 55 99.BG.A09 T.134-00077 32 100 47 6000 1.868 1.399 Radial 30 99.ST.8039 25 85 32 6000 2.302 1.999 Radial 55 99.BG.A10 T.134-00088 32 100 47 6000 2.179 1.649 Radial 30 99.ST.8040 25 100 32 6000 2.784 2.399 55 99.BG.A15 T.134-00025 16 60 16 6000 3.830 2.849 Radial 40 99.ST.8033 32 100 63 6000 2.436 1.999 55 99.BG.A16 T.134-00057 20 60 16 6000 3.830 2.849 Radial 40 99.ST.8041 32 100 63 6000 2.798 2.299 Axial 30 99.ST.8201 25 94 32 6000 Axial 30 99.ST.8207 25 94 32 6000 1.161 979 Axial 40 99.ST.8203 32 115 63 5000 1.041 899 Axial 40 99.ST.8208 32 115 63 5000 1.347 1.129 Radial 30 99.ST.8217 25 55 32 6000 1.735 1.449 Axial Radial 30 99.ST.8223 25 55 32 6000 2.025 1.699 Axial Radial 40 99.ST.8220 32 100 63 5000 2.078 1.699 Radial Radial 40 99.ST.8226 32 100 63 5000 2.430 1.999 865 779 Adj ±90° DMGMORI Type VDI - DIN69880 BARUFFALDI DIN VDI - DIN69880 * In case of order specify always left or right orientation you need Cod. ER 99.MS.A28 32 99.MS.A29 99.MS.A33 Radial Axial Axial NLX * Rpm Nm 1.199 32 70 6000 1.758 1.599 32 55 70 6000 2.102 1.899 99.MS.A34 32 55 70 6000 2.522 2.299 99.MS.A59 32 89,9 60 10.000 99.MS.A62 40 92 60 10.000 32 89,9 60 10.000 99.MS.A63 40 92 60 10.000 32 6000 1.193 979 Radial 99.MS.A72 32 90 60 10.000 63 5000 1.079 929 Radial 99.MS.A76 40 90 60 10.000 115 63 5000 1.391 1.179 Radial 99.MS.A73 32 90 60 10.000 55 32 6000 1.781 1.499 Radial 99.MS.A77 40 90 60 10.000 25 55 32 6000 2.086 1.749 Axial 99.MS.A101 25 84,3 50 12.000 32 100 63 5000 2.140 1.749 Axial 99.MS.A103 32 89,2 50 12.000 32 100 63 5000 2.506 2.049 Axial 25 94 32 6000 Axial 30 99.BF.0010 Axial 40 99.BF.0005 25 94 32 117 Axial 40 99.BF.0011 32 Radial 30 99.BF.0021 25 Radial 30 99.BF.0027 Radial 40 99.BF.0024 Radial 40 99.BF.0030 895 VDI - DIN69880 * In case of order specify always left or right orientation you need 99.MS.A102 25 84,3 50 12.000 99.MS.A104 32 89,2 50 12.000 Radial 99.MS.A106 25 85 50 12.000 99.MS.A108 32 85 50 12.000 99.MS.A107 25 85 50 12.000 99.MS.A109 32 85 50 12.000 Radial Radial 32 6000 1.161 979 Radial 115 63 5000 1.041 879 32 115 63 5000 1.347 1.129 25 55 32 6000 1.735 1.449 99.DP.0925 25 55 32 6000 2.025 1.699 40 99.DP.0922 32 100 63 5000 2.078 1.699 40 99.DP.0928 32 100 63 5000 2.430 1.999 30 99.DP.0903 25 94 32 6000 Axial 30 99.DP.0910 25 94 Axial 40 99.DP.0905 32 Axial 40 99.DP.0911 Radial 30 99.DP.0919 Radial 30 Radial Radial 2 YEARS WARRANTY 865 NZ Axial 779 Axial NLX NZ SPECIAL PRICE € 70 6000 1.337 99.MS.A60 99.BF.0003 LIST PRICE € 55,5 ÷60 55,5 ÷60 Axial 30 Axial SL/ZL DL H Max 779 Axial 1809 SL/ZL 150, 153, 154 (MC / SMC / Y / SY) DL 15, 150 (MC) NLX 1500 - 2000 - 2500 - 3000 12 Posizioni NZ 1500 - 2000 - 3100 - 3150 - 3200 16 Posizioni 1.249 1.099 1.847 1.429 2.674 2.099 2.993 2.349 1.249 1.049 1.847 1.479 2.674 2.099 2.993 2.349 H H EXPIRES ON 31.07.25 H MADE in ITALY 14

A WIDE RANGE OF DRIVEN TOOLS FOR CNC LATHE WITH AN UNBEATABLE PRICE / QUALITY RATIO R DISCOVE SCAN TO ERF. TYPE P HIGH DRIVEN TOOLS SX Upgrade your lathe and boost productivity! Left - Right Direction of rotation same as machine spindle Int. Coolant * HIGH PERFORMA NCE Models Availa ble DX (+ torque, + RP M) Direction of rotation opposite to machine spindle Both direction of rotation to machine spindle available The torque value, expressed in Nm, is the maximum allowed. Prolonged use at this value can damage the driven tool; for longer life and less wear, it is recommended to keep it below this limit. * Interchangeable couplings for any type of Haas turret HAAS H * Rpm h1 Nm NAKAMURA-TOME H * Rpm Nm LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 945 749 Axial 45 99.NK.A40 25 57,2 40 6000 899 Axial 45 99.NK.A43 25 57,2 40 6000 1.081 749 Axial 55 99.NK.A03 32 72,2 63 6000 899 Axial 55 99.NK.A04 32 72,2 63 6000 1.530 1.299 749 Radial 45 99.NK.A50 25 60 40 6000 1.676 1.399 899 Radial 45 99.NK.A53 25 60 40 6000 2.008 1.699 75 117,5 63 6000 1.773 1.349 Radial 55 99.NK.A13 32 55 63 6000 1.868 1.549 75 117,5 63 6000 2.240 1.699 Radial 55 99.NK.A14 32 55 63 6000 2.519 2.099 32 75 104,8 63 6000 1.773 1.349 32 75 104,8 63 6000 2.240 1.699 99.HA.596353 32 75 130,25 63 6000 1.773 1.349 99.HA.596353B 32 75 130,25 63 6000 2.240 1.699 Type Cod. ER Axial 99.HA.590082 32 75 117,5 63 6000 Axial 99.HA.590082B 32 75 117,5 63 6000 1.179 Axial 99.HA.590083 32 75 104,8 63 6000 Axial 99.HA.590083B 32 75 104,8 63 6000 1.179 Axial 99.HA.596352 32 75 130,25 63 6000 Axial 99.HA.596352B 32 75 130,25 63 6000 1.179 Radial 99.HA.590084 32 Radial 99.HA.590084B 32 Radial 99.HA.590085 Radial 99.HA.590085B Radial Radial MAZAK Type BMT VDI BMT44 WT100 -TW1 BMT55 SUPER NTJ-NTJX/NTM 3/TMC 18/ TW10/SC150-250/WT150-250/WTW 150/WTS 150/WT100 Max 945 945 * Rpm Nm LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € ER Max LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 946 799 993 899 849 BMT60: SPACE TURN LB 200EX/LB 2500EX/LB3000EX/GENOS SERIES L300-MW/ MULTUS U3000/U40007/LU3000EX M/MY VDI40: OKUMA CAPTAIN L370 M - ES L10 M - GENOS L300, L3000-E M/MY (VDI40) LB 300 MW - LB/LU 300 MY - LB/LU 300, 3000 M (VDI40) OKUMA QTN3 QUICK TURN NEXUS QTN 300 / 350 / 400 / 450 - SQT 28 / 30 300 - QTN2 12 Posizioni QUICK TURN NEXUS QTN 200 / 250 SUPER QUADREX TURN SQT 15/18 - 200 / 250 - SMART QTS1 - BMT68 QUICK TURN SMART QTS 100M / 200M QT COMPACT 100M - 200M - 300M Cod. Axial 60 99.OK.A80 32 79 60 6000 1.687 1.299 Axial 60 99.OK.A81 32 79 60 6000 2.141 1.599 Radial 60 99.OK.A82 32 70 60 6000 3.048 2.299 Radial 60 99.OK.A83 32 70 60 6000 3.631 2.749 Axial 40 99.OK.A18 32 98,6 70 6000 1.947 1.499 Axial 40 99.OK.A23 32 98,6 70 6000 2.465 1.899 Type Cod. ER Off. Axis 99.MZ.A71 40 145 100 4000 3.320 3.100 Radial 40 99.OK.A19 32 70 60 6000 3.373 2.549 Off. Axis QTN 99.MZ.A72 40 145 100 4000 3.631 3.342 Radial 40 99.OK.A25 32 70 60 6000 4.151 3.149 Radial 3 H 99.MZ.A75 40 160 100 4000 3.424 3.200 Radial 99.MZ.A81 40 160 100 4000 3.943 3.649 Off. Axis 99.MZ.A58 32 120 80 6000 2.491 1.549 Off. Axis QTN 99.MZ.A59 32 120 80 6000 3.010 2.100 Radial 99.MZ.A65 32 120 80 6000 2.698 1.649 Radial 99.MZ.A66 32 120 80 6000 2.906 1.949 Axial Axial 99.MZ.A03 32 70 60 6000 1.972 1.849 Axial 99.MZ.A06 32 70 60 6000 2.387 2.199 99.MZ.A09 32 80 60 6000 2.698 2.499 99.MZ.A10 32 80 60 6000 2.906 2.799 Axial Radial 2 QTS 1 Radial MIYANO TAKISAWA TAIWAN Type BMT * Rpm Nm 60 99.TK.A12 32 93 50 6000 1.499 1.149 60 99.TK.A13 32 93 50 6000 2.213 1.699 Radial 60 99.TK.A02 32 90 50 6000 3.139 2.399 Radial 60 99.TK.A05 32 90 50 6000 3.333 2.549 * Rpm Nm 25 60 40 8000 99.TS.A03 32 60 40 8000 65 99.TS.A02 25 60 40 8000 Axial 65 99.TS.A04 32 60 40 8000 1.249 Radial 65 99.TS.A08 25 65 40 8000 35 6000 2.456 1.749 Radial 65 99.TS.A10 32 65 40 8000 75 60 6000 2.284 1.899 Radial 65 99.TS.A09 25 65 40 8000 75 60 6000 1.849 Radial 65 99.TS.A11 32 65 40 8000 853 749 Axial 25 57,6 35 6000 1.022 899 99.MY.A09 32 79,4 60 6000 54 99.MY.A10 32 79,4 60 6000 1.140 Radial 45 99.MY.A05 25 65 35 6000 1.506 Radial 45 99.MY.A06 25 65 Radial 54 99.MY.A11 32 Radial 54 99.MY.A12 32 Cod. Axial 45 99.MY.A02 25 57,6 35 6000 Axial 45 99.MY.A03 Axial 54 Axial 2 YEARS WARRANTY BMT65: M06D / M06SD / M06SY / M08SD / M08SY H SPECIAL PRICE € Ø Max 993 2.207 Cod. ER 65 99.TS.A01 Axial 65 849 Axial 949 EXPIRES ON 31.07.25 SPECIAL PRICE € H Max H Type LIST PRICE € ER LIST PRICE € ER * Rpm Nm Cod. TSUGAMI Ø 45: WT100 -TW1 Ø 54: WT100 -TW1 BMT60 EX 380 / 310 / 508 / 510 / 708 / 710 / 910 - EX 2000 M/Y - TC 350 MC - TT 350 MC - NEX 108/110/908/910 - LA 200/250 M/Y - LA 250 YS (15 stations) - FX 800 - MX 800 - VTL 450 M - LX 2500 M/Y Type BMT MADE in ITALY LIST PRICE € SPECIAL PRICE € 1.558 1.199 2.141 1.649 2.529 1.949 3.112 2.449 15

ACCURATE AND UNIFORM MAGNETIC CLAMPING MAGNETIC CHUCKS WITH SQUARE POLE Electro-permanent system for milling operations The Gerardi magnetic chuck offers powerful and precise magnetic clamping, optimizing setup time and increasing productivity. It is the ideal solution for clamping on machine tools in a safe and energy-efficient manner. Available with 50 and 75 poles, it is ideal for milling and other operations NEW Pole Pitch TECHNICAL FEATURES & ADVANTAGES FLEXIBLE pole extension Uniform clamping Totally free working surface Easy to use Elimination of machining vibration Energy saving Maximum safety Quick workpiece setup and removal Better finishing grade FIXED ROUNDED pole extension Reduced tools consumption Little maintenance compared to conventional clamping systems FIXED SQUARE pole extension B L H SOON ALSO AVAILABLE WIT H p75 and Pitch 88 C D Polo POLe 50 Art. 89P-50 B C D H L Kg Poli Poles PTOT Kg Per GHISA/ACCIAIO Art.89P (50) LIST PRICE € PREZZO OFFERTA € 360 50 60 55 360 57 25 10.000 89P5363625 2.550 1.999 370 50 60 55 635 90 40 16.000 89P5376340 4.100 3.199 360 50 60 55 790 108 50 20.000 89P5367950 5.100 3.999 580 50 60 55 940 200 96 38.400 89P5589496 9.800 7.499 MAGNETIC CHUCK Precision Modular vises matchable for gang operations and pneumohydraulic clamping (StandardMatic series) 2 YEARS WARRANTY Art. 89U Thanks to the Microprocessor Controller is possible operate quickly and easily with one or multiple magnetic plates at the same time. MORE VERSATILITY MILLING OPERATIONS The Electropermanent system easily adapts to pieces of various geometries and complexities. This is the only magnetic chuck that will not loose force when the part is machines at a distance from the magnetc chuck. EXPIRES ON 31.07.25 GERARDI SPA via Giovanni XXIII, 101 - 21015 LONATE POZZOLO (VA) Italia - Tel. +39.0331.303911 - Fax +39.0331.301534 - MADE in ITALY